The goal of the third course in the baby swimming school is for the child to learn, by having fun, to accept the consequences of his or her actions in the water. The child learns to take the initiative for dives and short swims. The head is still too heavy to be held above the water surface when the baby swims, so we rotate the baby from a prone to a supine position to rest and breathe. We help the child to move more freely and independently in the water. We practice diving from the edge, holding our breath, turning around and getting back to the edge!
The babysim school is divided into three sub-courses with clear objectives for each stage and where the exercises become more advanced as the children develop and gain experience.
You can start baby swimming school when your child is 3-12 months old and weighs at least 4 kg. No prior knowledge is needed, all activities are based on the child’s maturity. You can have one or two adults in the pool, depending on which facility you choose(see information on each facility).
In our house, we want every diapered baby to swim with a disposable swim diaper as well as a baby bathing suit. The important thing is that the baby swimsuit is tight around the waist and thighs. We have our own beautiful baby swimsuits on sale at the start of the course at all our facilities. The baby swimming trunks cost €250 and can also be ordered online.